Starting on Monday, Jaidyn had been telling me that her stomach hurt. I didn't really believe her because she was still eating really good and running around like usual. I just thought maybe she was saying it to get attention. So anyways she kept telling me that and then all of a sudden on Wednesday out of nowhere, she threw up all over the place. From then on, she kept on throwing up all afternoon. Finally by the time we went to bed, she had nothing left to throw up. Colin had thrown up on Monday morning, but hadn't thrown up since and he had been acting fine too. He did have alot of diarrhea and he would hardly eat anything all week. On Wednesday night before I went to bed, my stomach started to hurt and I was thinking great, I just know I am getting what Jaidyn has. Sure enough I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I needed to throw up. The only problem was that Eric was already in the bathroom throwing up. Good thing I had taken a pan upstairs for Jaidyn to throw up in since she can't make it to the bathroom in time. I had that to throw up in since Eric was already in the bathroom. Thankfully I only got sick a few times and that was it. Eric was in the bathroom almost all night long getting sick. I felt so bad for him. We woke up on Thursday and we both felt so sick still. He had to go into work for a little while since it was the last day of the month and he had reports to do. He went in for a couple of hours and got those done and came home. His mom came over around noon so that Jaidyn and I could go upstairs to rest and she watched Colin for me. It was nice to get in that nap because it really made me start to feel better. Eric and I woke up on Friday and felt all better. Jaidyn hadn't thrown up in a while, but she still looked so awful. She was so pale and had dark circles under her eyes. Plus I couldn't get her to pee. She was seriously only peeing once every 24 hours even though she seemed like she was drinking plenty of fluids. We had planned on going to Alamo with Jamie and since Jaidyn was feeling better, I decided we would still go up. We got there and Jaidyn had been doing good. Then all of a sudden she got sick. I think its because she hadn't eaten in a few days and she drank a whole bunch of pop. I thought the pop might help her stomach, but obviously it didn't. After that, she didn't get sick again and is much better now. I feel bad because now Jamie and my mom are both sick. I am not sure if they got sick from us or from Tyson or Ryan because they have also been sick with the stomach flu. Either way, it sucks that they are sick now. I had a good time in Alamo. I was glad that we got to go up there. It's always nice to visit with my mom. We leave for Disneyland in a week and I can't wait. I need to go to target this week and get all the travel things I always buy to take with us. I also need to catch up on all my laundry before we go. I am always good about keeping up on it, but since I was sick and then went to Alamo for a couple of days, I have alot of it to do. So Jamie is always telling me about the gym she goes to and that she really likes it. Well I really need to get into shape because I am in really bad shape. We bought that elliptical machine and I used it for a while and then stopped. So anyways Jamie told me that if I wanted to join, but didn't want to go alone that she would drive over here a few times a week to go with me. She goes to Las Vegas Athletic Club and there is one just a few mintues from my house. So after I get back from Disneyland, I am going to join and we are going to start going together. I am excited for that. I think that if I have someone to go with, that will make me go. If I was going by myself, I am afraid that I wouldn't make myself go.