Monday, April 6, 2009

The last time I posted was on Jaidyn's birthday before her party. She had a very good birthday and was so excited about all her presents. She got tons of them. On Thursday we left for Alamo. We got there about 9:15. My mom had to work all day and Andrea had to work until noon. After Andrea got off of work, she picked us up some lunch from the shack and brought it up to my mom's so we could have lunch. We just hung out and talked for a bit and then she headed home. The kids and I just hung out and waited for my mom to get home. I have to say that being alone at my mom's house with the kids is definately not easy. My house is childproofed and we have up baby gates, so the kids can go wherever they want. At my mom's house it is a whole different story. There are glass antiques everywhere. I swear I would be trying to keep Colin out of one thing and turn around and Jaidyn would be into something. Colin was obsessed with the my moms phone too. We don't have a house phone at our house, so he never gets to play with one with a cord. Well once he saw my mom's, that is all he wanted. He would go grab it and if he saw you coming to take it away, he would start talking really fast into the It was funny. On Friday, we just hung out and did a whole lot of nothing. Jamie had come up late the night before, so I had her there to hang out with me so that I wasn't bored out of my mind. Saturday we woke up really early and headed down to the 5k to help out with that. We had to get there at 6:45 on Saturday morning and the temperature was only 34 degrees outside. I thought we all might die. We were frozen the whole time we were doing it. The wind was blowing a little too, so it made it even worse. After the 5k was over, we headed back up to my moms and hung out for a while until it was time for Ryan's baptism. That lasted about 30 minutes and then we went back to my moms to change clothes so that we could go to the park to eat. Jeremy barbequed some cheeseburgers and hot dogs. It was nice, but the kids and I ended up leaving early because Colin was tired, so I decided we should probably head back to Vegas. We got home about 4:30 and I was so tired. Thankfully Eric was nice and gave the kids a bath that night. We woke up on Sunday and was lazy for a while. Jamie and Tyson came over because they were staying the night here last night. Jamie brought Tyson down so she could take him to the Fallout Boy concert for his birthday. Sam got a limo for Tyson and Jamie to take to the concert. She came over so she could ride in it with them and then had the limo bring her back here to get her car. They wanted me to go with them in the limo, but I decided I better stay here and clean instead. This morning we woke up and went to breakfast with Jamie and Tyson at Black Bear Diner before they headed back to Alamo. I plan on not doing much this week besides cleaning the house. Eric's parents will be in town on Thursday evening. They will be staying for a couple of weeks to help out Eric's brother after he gets his surgery. They offered to babysit for Eric and I on Saturday so that we could go do something by ourselves. I am not sure if we are going to or not though because there is an egg hunt on Saturday that I was thinking about taking the kids too. On Sunday we are having Easter dinner at Eric's parents house and then they are doing a little egg hunt in their back yard for the kids. I am glad they have a backyard with grass because we can't do anything in our backyard since we have a pool and our backyard isn't very big anyways. So the Easter Bunny will be hiding all the eggs in our house. I have been talking to Eric about getting season passes to disneyland. We have gone alot in the last year and it just seems stupid not to buy the season passes if we plan on going alot this year too. I finally talked Eric into it and he says we will buy them next time we go to disneyland, which I am hoping will be in May. I don't want to go in the summertime because it will be way too busy so I was thinking if we could go in May, then we could wait to go back in September or October. We will see if Eric can get the days off of work in May though.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That was a loooooooooooooong post. lol.