Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jaidyn is 3!

I can't believe that it has been 3 years to this day since Jaidyn was born. It's just crazy to me how fast the time has gone by. It seems like we just had her 2nd birthday party. I wish I had some baby pictures I could post of Jaidyn, but we lost all of the pictures off of our computer when we got it fixed. I would go through the ones we got developed and scan some, but that would take me all day to find the pictures I wanted. Jaidyn is very excited that it is her birthday today. She woke up this morning and I let her open one of her birthday presents and told her she has to wait for her party tonight to open the rest. I also got her a little ribbon to wear today that says "It's my B-Day" She seemed pretty excited about that. Jamie ordered Jaidyn some balloons and is having them delivered to the house today. She did the same thing for Jaidyn last year and Jaidyn was very excited. Everyone is coming over around 6 tonight. Mostly just Jamie, Sam and Eric's brother and sister. We got princess decorations and ordered a cinderella cake that Eric will pick up on the way home. We are also going to order pizza for dinner. Jaidyn loves pizza. She had the same thing last year for her birthday party and thats what she wanted again this year. She already opened her birthday presents that she got from my mom and Andrea on Friday. My mom got her a cd player and some kids cd's that jaidyn really likes. Andrea got her a couple of cute outfits and some dora stickers that go on her wall in the bedroom. I plan on taking lots of pictures tonight and I will post some pictures of her party tomorrow.

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