Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yesterday we were able to bring home this sweet little thing

Her name is Wanda. We adopted her from Lied's Animal Shelter. I have been wanting another dog for a while, but Eric said we couldn't get another one until we moved to Alamo. Well I was looking around on the website and saw that she was at Lied's Animal Shelter. I thought she was the cutest thing and I knew that she would be perfect for this family. I told Eric that I was going to get her before she was gone. Believe it or not, he let me do it. I think he knew that he couldn't really stop me because this is something I really wanted to do. Jaidyn was so excited because she has also been wanting another dog for a while now. So the kids and I headed down to Lied's Animal Shelter on Thursday. I told them exactly what dog I was looking for. They told me she would have to stay overnight so she could get spayed and microchipped. We were able to pick her up yesterday afternoon. Poor thing was sore from getting spayed and a little scared because she didn't really know what was going on. Thankfully this morning she woke up and is happy as can be. She has been following me everywhere and has to be sitting at my side. It's sad to think that she probably hasn't had any attention from anyone for a long time. Plus she was a stray, so the shelter didn't know anything about her from before. Hopefully she hasn't had too rough of a life. She will be much better living with us now. She will have plenty of love and she can play with our other dog Sammy. Once we get moved to Alamo, they will have a big backyard to run around in. Not much else has been going on. We are still waiting to hear back about the appraisal on the house. I am really hoping we hear something soon. I have to post this picture of Colin helping me vacuum because I think it is so cute. He gets so excited everytime I vacuum. Both the kids love to watch and help me.
Also I have to post this picture of Jaidyn with curlers in her hair. I bought them because her hair is already curly and I thought these would make her have some cute ringlets. She was so excited to have them in her hair. I know she looks like an old grandma in

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

JCPenney's is awesome!

I saw that JCPenney's was going to be having a big sale starting today. Alot of the stuff was buy one, get the second for 88 cents. I thought I might as well go check it out. I ended up getting $400 worth of stuff for just $200. I stocked up on winter clothes for both the kids. I also got a bunch of new bath towels and rugs for our bathrooms in the new house. Jaidyn had asked me if she could get a new dress to wear on her first day of preschool. so I let her pick out her own dress at JCPenneys and she was very excited about it. She had her testing yesterday at the preschool in Alamo. She did very well and wasn't shy at all. She will be starting preschool on the 9th of September. She will go every Monday and Wednesday from 12 to 1:30. She is so excited and I can't wait for her to start school. We went to Alamo on Saturday and stayed until yesterday. We came home as soon as Jaidyn was done with her testing. I was really sad to come home. The only reason I even wanted to come home at all was to see Eric because I hadn't seen him since Saturday. We will probably be staying at my mom's house most of September because Jaidyn will start school and Ashlee will be having her bridal shower and wedding. They did the appraisal on the house and we are hoping to hear back in the next couple of days. Jaidyn keeps asking me when we are going to move to Alamo. I think she is just as anxious to move up there as I am.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Thank goodness today is Friday. This week has gone by so slow and I have been so bored. Thankfully today we are going to get out of the house for a little bit. Jamie invited us to lunch. We are going to go over to TMA to visit everyone because we haven't been there in a long time. Then the kids, Jamie and I are going to the galleria mall to have lunch. I am looking forward to it. Tomorrow Sam invited everyone over to swim. Andrea has to come down for an appointment, so she is bringing the boys so they can swim. It should be fun. Colin and I won't be swimming. He hates the water and screams everytime I try to put him in it, so I am not even going to try tomorrow. We will just sit in the shade and watch everyone else swim. After Sam's house we are leaving for Alamo. Eric is going to San Diego this weekend with his brother so I figured the kids and I would go to Alamo while he was gone because I don't like being home alone. We were going to come home on Sunday evening, but I got a call from the elementary school and they want to test Jaidyn for preschool on Tuesday, so we are going to stay until Tuesday afternoon. They weren't sure if they were going to have a preschool for 3 year olds in Alamo this year because they didn't know if they would have enough kids. Well thankfully they do have enough. I was going to feel really bad if Jaidyn didn't get to go to preschool this year. I had already signed her up for preschool here in Vegas, but since we will be moving to Alamo in a little over a month, I am just going to have her start preschool in Alamo with everyone and we will just drive back and forth until we get moved up there. They are doing the appraisal on the house in Alamo today. I can't wait to find out how much it appraises for. I really hope it appraises for as much as we need it to. Wendy said she really didn't think it was going to be a problem, so I am trying not to stress about that. We got Colin a new toddler bed. I am not going to move him into it until we move to Alamo. I just don't see any point in getting it all set up for him to sleep in here for a month and then have to move it up to Alamo. Andrea found it for me. She found it at one of those stores that sells used things. It is a blue race car bed and it is so cute. Even though it is used, it is still in great shape and we got it for super cheap. His room is the cars theme, so it will go pefectly. Other than that, we haven't been up to much. Mostly just stuff with the house. Escrow will close in September and then I will start cleaning up the house and we will get the appliance and carpet put in before we move in. We won't be moving in until October. We have too much going on and I just don't think we will be able to move before then. I have Ashlee's wedding in September and then Eric has inventory at work that is going to keep him very busy for a couple of weeks. Then we are going to Disneyland for a few days with Eric's parents. It will be alot of fun. I am hoping we can move as soon as we get back from Disneyland. We will see if it works out though.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bridesmaid dresses, the mall and the park.

That's alot for me to do all in one weekend. Since it has been so hot out, the kids and I barely leave the house anymore except to go to Alamo. On Saturday we woke up and went to the UPS store as soon as they opened because we had to get some papers notarized for the house we are buying. Soon after that, I headed to David's Bridal to meet Jamie and Ashlee so we could try on bridesmaids dresses. It was really fun to try them on. They were all so cute. Ashlee also tried on her dress for us and some shoes. She looked so pretty and her dress is gorgeous. After that I came home and we hung out for a while. Eric had an appointment at the eye doctor at The Meadows Mall, so the kids and I went with him. He was there for almost two hours. The kids and I walked around and Jaidyn rode those little cars at the mall. I tried to get Colin to ride them, but he just cried. They wanted some candy out of the quarter machines. The machine downstairs only had sour candy. I knew the ones upstairs by the elevator had the candy they like. So we headed to the elevator. As soon as Colin even saw that we were going on it, he started screaming so loud. He cried really hard the entire time we were in the elevator. I got them their candy and we got back on the elevator and once again he started bawling before we even got on. I guess he hates elevators as much as I do. We had a good time just hanging out. The kids ate their candy and I got an icee for all of us to share. I had a pretty good time even though we just walked around and didn't really even go into any stores. After Eric was done with his appointment, I left Colin with him and I took Jaidyn into the pet store. She loved the puppies in there and so did I. Once we left I told Eric that there was a black cocker spaniel puppy in there that told me he wanted to come home with us. Eric just laughed and told me that once we move into our house in Alamo, we can get a new puppy since we will have a big back yard with a fence. So I agreed to that. Eric's glasses were going to be ready in an hour, so we decided that we would go get something for dinner and wait for his glasses instead of having to go all the way home and back to the mall later to get them. Macayo's is down the street so we went there for dinner. We haven't been out to dinner as a family since we went to disneyland in May. We don't usually go out to dinner because everytime we do, it is a disaster. Colin just screams and cries the entire time. He didn't do so bad yesterday. We got him his own soda, so that kept him busy for a while. After we were done eating, we went back to the mall and the kids and I waited in the truck while Eric ran in to get his glasses. Jaidyn told me she had to pee. I told her to wait just a minute and as soon as Eric got back to the truck to sit with Colin, I would take her in to pee. Not even a minute later she told me she peed her pants. I felt so bad. I know it wasn't fair of me to ask her to hold it. Poor thing was upset that she had peed her pants. I kept telling her it was ok, but she cried a little bit. We headed home and watched tv the rest of the night. First thing when we woke up this morning, we ate breakfast and headed to the park for the kids to play. It was nice outside and they both had alot of fun. Jaidyn made a friend and played with him most of the time. Colin ran around and fell down alot and came home with scraps all over his knees. After that we headed to wal mart and got our groceries for the week. I have spent the whole rest of the afternoon cleaning house and I am so glad I am finally done! Sorry this blog is so long, but I have to put everything down so I can come back and read it later on.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An update on the house.

It had been a week since we had put our offer in and we were starting to get nervous because we hadn't heard anything back. Well finally last night at 7:00 Wendy called me and told me that they accepted our offer. So we had to sign all the papers and Eric had to drive down to work last night to get them faxed back to her. She needed them back asap so she could get it all done. We got that part over with, now we just have to wait for the appraisal. I think either way we won't have a problem getting the house. If it doesn't appraise for as much as we need it to, we will just take however much they can give us for a loan for how much it does appraise for. On the papers we originally signed it said escrow would close on or before september 3. Well on the new papers they sent us it said it would close on September 25 or sooner. So if we get the house, we probably won't move all of our stuff until October. We can't move on the weekend of the 25th because it is Ashlee's wedding and I am a bridesmaid, so I will be pretty busy with that. Then Eric has inventory two weeks later, so he will be working ALOT. Then we are leaving for Disneyland for a few days. So we will probably have to wait and move after we get back from Disneyland. Oh well, in the meantime we can be getting the house all cleaned up and getting the new carpet and appliances put in. If they do have a preschool for 3 years(they aren't sure if there are enough kids to have one) then the kids and I might have to stay in Alamo for a while at my moms so Jaidyn can start preschool when everyone else does in September. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out and we end up getting this house. Today is Eric's birthday. I got him a NASCAR cake from Albertson's since he loves NASCAR and he loves the cakes from Albertson' It is going to be a surprise for him. I also helped both of the kids make him a birthday card which I am sure he will love. I was going to have his family over, but he doesn't like to make a big deal about his birthday, so I didn't invite anyone over. On another note, I really think my anxiety medicine has been helping me. Of course I still get anxious over certain things, but for the most part it really seems to be helping.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It looks like we might be moving soon.

As long as everything goes as planned. Yesterday the credit union said that we can get pre-approved for the house as long as it appraises for at least $50,000. It is only selling for $29,900. A few weeks ago it was selling for $80,000. It was repossessed and the bank just wants to get rid of it, so they lowered it to $39,900 and that is what it was selling for when Eric and I were first looking at it. Well to our surprise, it went down another $10,000 on Saturday. So Wendy got all of our papers emailed over last night and we signed them and faxed them back to get our offer in right away. Wendy is doing such a great job. We didn't even fax them to her until 9 last night and she said she would get it all sent over to the other agent last night. We will know by next Monday whether or not they accept the offer. Once they accept the offer, Robin at the credit union will order the appraisal and as long as it appraises for $50,000, then we are all set to go. The paperwork said escrow would close on or before September 3. Which means if we get this house we can move in next month. I am really nervous about all of it. I am just really hoping that it appraises for $50,000 because that would be the only thing holding us back from getting this house. I have already been shopping around for new appliances. The house doesn't have any appliances, so we will have to buy all new. Eric also thinks we need a bigger tv. So I found one at best buy for super cheap. It is a 47". I don't know why we need a tv that big, but I guess if Eric wants it then there is no stopping It looks like we might be heading to Alamo once again. Jamie, the kids and I most likely have to go up on Saturday so that Jamie and I can get fitted for our bridesmaids dresses. We are in Ashlee's wedding and she is getting married at the end of Septmeber. I am also very nervous for that. I have never been in a wedding before, so it is making me nervous.