Thursday, January 29, 2009
The things that Eric will do for me
I don't know how I ended up with such a sweet husband, but he will seriously do anything for me. Last night I told him I was craving those werther candies that are hard, tan and round. I used to have them all the time and I haven't had them in a long time. Well yesterday I started craving them. Eric had to run to the store last night to get some chicken so I could make bbq chicken tonight for dinner. I asked him to get me some werthers candy while he was there. When he came home, he had bought the wrong kind. He bought these chocolate candies. I am not a big chocolate fan and so I told him he could eat them. He insisted on going to walgreen's to get me my candy even though I told him not to. He was gone for a really long time and I was starting to get worried because walgreen's is just right down the street from our house. After a while, he finally came home and I asked him what took him so long and it turns out they didn't have any of the candy I wanted at Walgreen's so he went to Smith' That is 3 different stores he went to just to get me the candy I wanted. He is always doing sweet things like that for me. Also yesterday I told him I was really craving some Arby's. I haven't eaten Arby's in over three years because there was an incident when I was pregnant with Jaidyn that made me really sick and I wouldn't eat there anymore. Well out of nowhere, I started craving it. So of course Eric stopped on his way home from work and got us Arby's for dinner. So we decided this morning that we should get Colin's pictures done on Saturday since he is 1 now. We are going to get the pictures without Jaidyn and do hers separately when she turns 3 in a couple of months. I am a little worried about Colin's pictures. I just hope he will smile and not be whiny. I still have this stupid cold that I have had since last weekend. I really think it is never going to go away. I am just glad Colin hasn't gotten sick. I really hope he doesn't!! I am excited because I ordered a bunch of workout clothes yesterday from JCPenney's. I can't wait for them to get here. Although I haven't been able to use the elliptical yet because I can't get rid of this cough that I have. I can't wait to use it though.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'm just waiting...
for Colin to get sick with a cold. Eric has had one for a few days now and my throat started to hurt on Friday. Well this morning I woke up and I have a stuffy nose and my throat still hurts. My head feels like it is going to explode. Jaidyn also woke up and sounds just like I do. I just know Colin is going to get sick soon. Eric had told me that we could go get a new elliptical machine this weekend. On Friday I was sitting here thinking about how Sam has one and I am pretty sure she never uses it. So I emailed her and asked her if she would want to sell us her elliptical machine. She emailed back and said yes. She said she doesn't use it, plus it just takes up alot of room in her house. I told her to just name a price and I would talk to Eric about it. Well she emailed back a few minutes later and said how about $100. I was like that is awesome. All the ones I was looking at that are new are much more expensive than that. Even though hers is used, it hasn't been used very much and it is one of the bigger, nicer elliptical machines. So I said yes that would be perfect and then she said we could pick it up yesterday. So we headed over to Sam's house first thing yesterday morning. We visited for about an hour and then loaded up the elliptical machine and headed home. About 20 minutes later we decided to go to the grocery store and get our shopping done. We got our groceries for the whole week. I decided I am going to start eating better. I am not going on a diet or anything like that, but I definately need to stop eating so much junk and eat more fruit and vegetables. So I bought a bunch of good snacks that will be healthy for me to have all week. I also can't wait to start using the elliptical machine so I can get in shape. I am in VERY bad shape. I haven't used it yet since I feel so crappy from being sick. I am hoping I will feel better tomorrow so that I can start using it. Today I have been cleaning the house all morning. I finally had to stop for a little break because I felt like I was going to die because my head hurts so bad. Eric took Sammy to Petsmart this morning for a hair cut and bath. On his way home, he turned down Tropicana to get gas. As he was driving along, he saw that they had opened up a new In-N-Out burger at Trop and Fort Apache. When he called to tell me, we were both so excited. We LOVE In-N-Out, but we hardly ever eat there because the closest one to us was about 25 minutes away. We were so glad to hear that there is one less than 5 minutes from us. So of course Eric went and got us lunch there a little bit ago and it was so good. I know I just said how I was trying to eat healthier, but there was no way I could pass up In-N-Out. I haven't had it in so long. Colin used to love having baths, but lately he absolutely hates them. I don't know why, but the last few times I have given him a bath, he has started screaming as soon as I go to put him in the tub and he screams the whole time I am bathing him. He used to love to play in the bath tub. I don't know what has made him so afraid of the bathtub, but I wish there was a way I could make him see that it isn't going to hurt him.
Friday, January 23, 2009
I'm so glad it is Friday
This week has been a pretty good week. We actually left the house a couple of Tuesday morning Jaidyn woke up and was shivering really bad, but she felt very warm. About 10 minutes after she woke up, she threw up. Poor thing had a fever and all she wanted was for me to hold her and rock her. Well it's pretty much impossible for me to do that for too long because Colin is so whiny all the time that I have to hold him alot. So I made her a comfy little bed on the floor in her playroom. She fell asleep and slept for about 30 minutes. She woke up for a little while and the laid down on the couch and slept for about another 2 hours. I knew she wasn't feeling good if she was actually sleeping. Usually she is so hyper and won't lay down. She wouldn't eat or drink anything. So she pretty much had a fever on and off all day. I would give her motrin and it would go away for a little bit, but then come back later. The next day when she woke up, she told me she felt fine. I could tell she felt better because she was acting like her normal self and she didn't feel warm anymore. Thankfully it only lasted a day. On Wednesday, we went to Target to get some things. Colin had a gift card to Target that he got for his birthday and Jaidyn had $4 to spend. So we got the stuff we needed and came home for about an hour. Then we headed over to TMA to visit for a bit and then go to lunch with Jamie. We went to The Olive Garden. It was so good, but I felt sick to my stomach after we ate there. Both of the kids fell asleep in the truck and when we got home, I moved them inside and they both stayed asleep for another hour and a half. It was nice to have some time to myself to watch Third Watch. Yesterday I fixed Colin a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. I think he put too many pieces in his mouth at a time because he started choking a little and then threw up all over himself. That was the second time this week I have had to clean up throw up. Then about an hour later, our dog Sammy was acting like she was going to throw up. Thankfully I got her outside in time and as soon as she stepped out there, she threw up. I don't know what is going on around here, but everyone in this house is throwing up this Today we won't be doing much. It is supposed to rain, so I definately don't want to leave the house. I love it when it rains, as long as I don't have to go out in it. I have been wanting an elliptical machine for a couple of weeks now. I keep asking Eric and he keeps ignoring me. Well this morning I showed him the one I wanted on He told me he didn't think I needed one. Well that made me mad. I thought to myself... I am ordering one anyways because he isn't my boss and if I want one, then I am getting Right before he left for work he told me that we can go look around in the different stores this weekend so I can get one. YAY It's funny how if he knows I really want something, he will usually let me get it. I always ask him before I buy anything. I guess mostly because it is his money I am spending since he is the one who works and I don't. Although this past weekend I went to the mall. I wanted to get new makeup, but I knew it would cost $65. So I didn't even ask him, I just bought it. I knew if I told him than he would tell me that I don't need to spend that much on makeup. He just doesn't understand since he doesn't have to wear makeup. So when I got home from the mall I told him I bought some new makeup. I didn't tell him how much it cost He didn't even care. I didn't figure he would because he hardly ever gets mad about anything. I have to tell this funny story. Yesterday Jaidyn wouldn't stop picking her nose. Well I kept telling her to stop it because that is gross. She wouldn't stop doing it, so I kept getting after her. Finally she said to me "Well Ryan does it."lol
Monday, January 19, 2009
I'm not a big girl!
That is what Jaidyn keeps telling me. She went and stayed at Andrea's house over the weekend and I didn't send her pacifier. I knew Andrea wouldn't let her use it anyways and I figured if she could go that long without her sucker, maybe she wouldn't want it when she came home. Well I was wrong. She acted like she was going to be a big girl when she was at Andrea's, but the second we left Andrea's house, she was whining for her sucker. Ever since we have been home she has been asking me for it. I told her that we already got rid of her suckers and that big girls don't need suckers anyways. She keeps yelling at me that she isn't a big girl. No matter how much she whines for it, I am not going to give in! Andrea had to bring Ryan down for a doctors appointment on Friday. So she brought my mom to stay with me and took Jaidyn home with her. On Friday night, my mom made some yummy enchilada's, so we invited Sam and Jamie over for dinner. On Saturday Eric and I woke up at 5:00 when Colin woke up and we got all dressed. We had to take Colin to get blood drawn at quest, so I wanted to get there right at 6:30 when it opened. The line was a little long when we got there, but we were in and out in less than an hour, so I didn't think that was too bad. Colin was VERY sad when he had to get blood drawn. I felt so bad for him because he was crying so hard the whole time. After we left there, we came home and my mom and I waited for Sam and Jamie to get here. We were all going to go out and have breakfast together. We ate at Black Bear has such good breakfast. After we ate, we went to Town Square to do some shopping. We all wanted to go to Sephora. I ended up buying the bare minerals starter kit. Jamie and Sam both use it and were talking about how much they like it. Well I have been using Mary Kay for years because Andrea used to sell it, but she doesn't anymore. So now i have to buy it on Ebay if i want it. The starter kit was $65 and it comes with a bunch of stuff. I used it for the first time today and I love it. It is so much quicker to put my makeup on and it covers really well. I think I will keep using it from now on. We all ended up buying some stuff there. I had some gift cards to Old Navy, so we went in there and I found some really cute new clothes. After that, we left town square. Sam had to stop by work, so my mom, Jamie and I headed back over to my side of town. We went to JCPenney and to Target. After that we came home. My mom was going to make tacos for dinner and she wanted to rest a bit before everyone came over. We invited my dad, so him and Sam both got here right before dinner. The tacos were sooo good!! On Saturday night, we were all exhausted so we went to bed pretty early. We woke up at 5 on Sunday, like we usually do. Colin is always up that early. So I packed our bags to go to Alamo. Eric decided to go to work on Sunday since we were going to be gone. My mom, Colin and I left here by 8:00. Soon after we got to Alamo, Andrea text me and said Jaidyn was home from church. Andrea had stayed home with Ryan because he was sick, so Jeremy just went to teach a class and took Jaidyn to nursery, they came home after that. She was so excited to see me. I was so glad to see her too. I starting missing her just a few hours after she left on Friday. She was ready to come home yesterday, but we had to stay the night at my moms last night so that I could get my hair cut by Jenna this morning. I am so glad I got it cut, it feels and looks ten times better. I hadn't had it cut in a long time. We ordered lunch from the shack soon after that. It was good!! I really missed the breadsticks and pizza. The kids and I left to come home around 1:00 today. Jaidyn slept the entire way, but Colin only fell asleep right before we got off on the sahara exit. The I-15 was so backed up so I had to get off on Sahara to come home. Both the kids seem really happy to be home. I am happy to be home too. I love going to my moms, but I am so glad to be able to sleep in my own bed tonight.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Colin's 1 year checkup
I took Colin to his 1 year checkup today. Poor little guy had to get 4 shots. I felt so bad for him. Although I gave him motrin before hand and as soon as I picked him after his shots, he stopped crying. He has been good all day. I thought for sure that he would be fussy because his shots would be bothering him, but they aren't. He weighed 22 lbs 12 oz. He hadn't even gained a pound since his 9 month checkup. He definately seems to be slimming down a bit since he is so active. He was 29.5 inches tall. I think that is how tall he was at his 9 month checkup. I didn't think he had grown much because all of his clothes still fit him really good. The doctor said he was doing really good. On Saturday morning, Eric the kids and I went to the mall so I could pick up Jaidyn's earrings. We didn't stay long because it was really busy. So we can home and a little while later got Jaidyn's little car out so that she could ride it. She had a really good time and Colin loved riding in it too. The only thing is, the battery died within 5 minutes. We probably didn't charge it long enough. Jaidyn was sad because she wanted to keep driving, so we told her instead we could go to the park. We headed to the park and she played there for about 4o minutes. I tried to take Colin out of his stroller to take him down the slide and he started screaming, he just wanted to stay in his stroller. After we got home, both the kids fell asleep and so did Eric and I. After Colin woke up, we decided to get some dinner. Eric wanted Cafe Rio, so I decided to try the salad they have that Jamie always gets and really likes. It was VERY good. On Sunday, we woke up and fed the kids breakfast, got dressed and headed straight to Wal Mart. We needed to get groceries and usually we just go to Smith's, but we had tons to get and Wal Mart is so much cheaper, so we decided to just go there. We were there for about an hour and the kids were both very naughty in the store. I had to carry Colin for a while and he would get mad because he wanted down, so he kept head butting me. He head butted me right in the throat and it hurt really bad. Jaidyn kept running away from us. I swear I could have spanked her butt right in the middle of wal mart. After we got home, Jamie came over so I could dye her hair. She stayed for a couple of hours and after she left, I cleaned house. I got all of my cleaning done that I needed to do, so I don't have anything to do today. Jaidyn has still been doing very good on the potty. She hasn't worn a pull up in days. She doesn't even wear them for naps or to bed anymore and she hasn't had an accident yet. This week is just going to be a very boring week. We don't have a whole lot to do. My mom, Andrea and Ryan will be here on Friday. My mom is going to stay down here with us until Sunday. Then on Sunday, the kids and I are going to take her home and stay the night since she doesn't have school on Monday. On Monday I have an appointment with Jenna to get my hair cut. I can't wait!! It really needs to be trimmed up. Then my mom and the kids and i are going to go eat lunch at The Shack. I can't wait. I have been wanting to eat there since they opened back up, but I haven't had a chance yet. Then the kids and I will probably head home in the afternoon so that we get home about the same time Eric will be home from work. It should be a fun weekend with my mom here.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I am so proud of Jaidyn.
She has been doing so good with the potty training. She hadn't gone potty in her pull up since Sunday, except for one time when she took a nap. Other than that, she used the big potty everytime. So I told her yesterday that we would go to Wal Mart and get her some princess panties. She was very excited about that. We got her some new panties and as soon as we got home, I put them on her. She was excited to put them on. She wore them all day didn't have one accident. I did put a pull up on her for her nap because she usually sleeps for about 2 hours, so I thought for sure she would have an accident. She woke up and her pull up was completely dry. I did have to bribe her to put her big girl panties on when she woke up from her nap because she didn't want to take her pull up off. I bribed her with a capri sun and she immediately took off her pull up and got her panties. I am so glad she is finally potty trained. She has been doing good today about going potty too. I took Colin's bottle away yesterday morning and started putting his milk in a sippy cup. It doesn't seem to bother him at all. Thankfully he wasn't sad to get rid of his bottle. Colin actually slept in until 6:40 this morning. I couldn't even believe it. He is always up by 5 every morning, but this morning he slept in much later. Of course he did wake up a few times for his sucker and cried for a minute that he wanted out of bed, but I just let him cry and a minute later, he was asleep again. I was able to get Jaidyn's earrings fixed at Zales for free. Good thing or else I would have been very mad. We picked up my ring on Monday and dropped off her earrings. They won't even be ready until Saturday. All they had to do was glue the pearl back in. Oh well though, at least I don't have to pay for it. Eric has a bad habit of always calling Colin a whiny ass. A little bit ago I took Colin up for a nap because he was acting tired. A few minutes later, he started to cry so I went to get him. When I was walking back down the stairs with him, Jaidyn said "hi whiny ass."lol It was funny, but I had to tell her that she can't say that word. I told Eric he better stop calling Colin that now that Jaidyn caught onto it.
Monday, January 5, 2009
More party pics
Colin's birthday party with Eric's family yesterday turned out very well. He got a motorcyle rocker from Eric and I that he seems to really like. Here are a few pics from yesterdays party.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy Birthday...
to my sweet baby boy who is a year old today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. We had a party for him yesterday in Alamo and my whole family was there except for my dad and Kody because they both had to work. My mom made tacos for everyone and then Colin opened his presents and we had some YUMMY cake. There was tons of cake left, so we left it with Andrea and the kids. We didn't want to bring it home because we ordered a separate Cars cake for todays party with Eric's family. Eric's family will be coming over around noon and we are going to eat sandwiches and Eric's mom made some potato salad and fruit salad. I was a little sad yesterday because they gave Colin his own cake since he is a year old. I thought for sure he would dig right in, but he didn't want anything to do with it. Well I think it was that he didn't want to get dirty. I never let my kids get dirty because I can't stand it and I think that is why now they both have a hard time getting their hands dirty. Because a few minutes later, Jamie was feeding Colin pieces of her cake with a fork and he ate almost the whole thing. He is up napping now, so hopefully he wont be so tired for the party today and he will be more into getting cake all over him. Yesterday he was so exhausted by the time we had the party, that he was a little whiny. We left Alamo once the party was over and both the kids fell asleep right away. Here's a few pictures from the party.





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