Thursday, January 29, 2009

The things that Eric will do for me

I don't know how I ended up with such a sweet husband, but he will seriously do anything for me. Last night I told him I was craving those werther candies that are hard, tan and round. I used to have them all the time and I haven't had them in a long time. Well yesterday I started craving them. Eric had to run to the store last night to get some chicken so I could make bbq chicken tonight for dinner. I asked him to get me some werthers candy while he was there. When he came home, he had bought the wrong kind. He bought these chocolate candies. I am not a big chocolate fan and so I told him he could eat them. He insisted on going to walgreen's to get me my candy even though I told him not to. He was gone for a really long time and I was starting to get worried because walgreen's is just right down the street from our house. After a while, he finally came home and I asked him what took him so long and it turns out they didn't have any of the candy I wanted at Walgreen's so he went to Smith' That is 3 different stores he went to just to get me the candy I wanted. He is always doing sweet things like that for me. Also yesterday I told him I was really craving some Arby's. I haven't eaten Arby's in over three years because there was an incident when I was pregnant with Jaidyn that made me really sick and I wouldn't eat there anymore. Well out of nowhere, I started craving it. So of course Eric stopped on his way home from work and got us Arby's for dinner. So we decided this morning that we should get Colin's pictures done on Saturday since he is 1 now. We are going to get the pictures without Jaidyn and do hers separately when she turns 3 in a couple of months. I am a little worried about Colin's pictures. I just hope he will smile and not be whiny. I still have this stupid cold that I have had since last weekend. I really think it is never going to go away. I am just glad Colin hasn't gotten sick. I really hope he doesn't!! I am excited because I ordered a bunch of workout clothes yesterday from JCPenney's. I can't wait for them to get here. Although I haven't been able to use the elliptical yet because I can't get rid of this cough that I have. I can't wait to use it though.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Your blog looks cute. So how was the arbys?