Thursday, January 8, 2009

I am so proud of Jaidyn.

She has been doing so good with the potty training. She hadn't gone potty in her pull up since Sunday, except for one time when she took a nap. Other than that, she used the big potty everytime. So I told her yesterday that we would go to Wal Mart and get her some princess panties. She was very excited about that. We got her some new panties and as soon as we got home, I put them on her. She was excited to put them on. She wore them all day didn't have one accident. I did put a pull up on her for her nap because she usually sleeps for about 2 hours, so I thought for sure she would have an accident. She woke up and her pull up was completely dry. I did have to bribe her to put her big girl panties on when she woke up from her nap because she didn't want to take her pull up off. I bribed her with a capri sun and she immediately took off her pull up and got her panties. I am so glad she is finally potty trained. She has been doing good today about going potty too. I took Colin's bottle away yesterday morning and started putting his milk in a sippy cup. It doesn't seem to bother him at all. Thankfully he wasn't sad to get rid of his bottle. Colin actually slept in until 6:40 this morning. I couldn't even believe it. He is always up by 5 every morning, but this morning he slept in much later. Of course he did wake up a few times for his sucker and cried for a minute that he wanted out of bed, but I just let him cry and a minute later, he was asleep again. I was able to get Jaidyn's earrings fixed at Zales for free. Good thing or else I would have been very mad. We picked up my ring on Monday and dropped off her earrings. They won't even be ready until Saturday. All they had to do was glue the pearl back in. Oh well though, at least I don't have to pay for it. Eric has a bad habit of always calling Colin a whiny ass. A little bit ago I took Colin up for a nap because he was acting tired. A few minutes later, he started to cry so I went to get him. When I was walking back down the stairs with him, Jaidyn said "hi whiny ass."lol It was funny, but I had to tell her that she can't say that word. I told Eric he better stop calling Colin that now that Jaidyn caught onto it.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Next thing you know she'll be telling you she is "pithed at the whiny ath" lol.