Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm so glad it is Friday

This week has been a pretty good week. We actually left the house a couple of Tuesday morning Jaidyn woke up and was shivering really bad, but she felt very warm. About 10 minutes after she woke up, she threw up. Poor thing had a fever and all she wanted was for me to hold her and rock her. Well it's pretty much impossible for me to do that for too long because Colin is so whiny all the time that I have to hold him alot. So I made her a comfy little bed on the floor in her playroom. She fell asleep and slept for about 30 minutes. She woke up for a little while and the laid down on the couch and slept for about another 2 hours. I knew she wasn't feeling good if she was actually sleeping. Usually she is so hyper and won't lay down. She wouldn't eat or drink anything. So she pretty much had a fever on and off all day. I would give her motrin and it would go away for a little bit, but then come back later. The next day when she woke up, she told me she felt fine. I could tell she felt better because she was acting like her normal self and she didn't feel warm anymore. Thankfully it only lasted a day. On Wednesday, we went to Target to get some things. Colin had a gift card to Target that he got for his birthday and Jaidyn had $4 to spend. So we got the stuff we needed and came home for about an hour. Then we headed over to TMA to visit for a bit and then go to lunch with Jamie. We went to The Olive Garden. It was so good, but I felt sick to my stomach after we ate there. Both of the kids fell asleep in the truck and when we got home, I moved them inside and they both stayed asleep for another hour and a half. It was nice to have some time to myself to watch Third Watch. Yesterday I fixed Colin a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. I think he put too many pieces in his mouth at a time because he started choking a little and then threw up all over himself. That was the second time this week I have had to clean up throw up. Then about an hour later, our dog Sammy was acting like she was going to throw up. Thankfully I got her outside in time and as soon as she stepped out there, she threw up. I don't know what is going on around here, but everyone in this house is throwing up this Today we won't be doing much. It is supposed to rain, so I definately don't want to leave the house. I love it when it rains, as long as I don't have to go out in it. I have been wanting an elliptical machine for a couple of weeks now. I keep asking Eric and he keeps ignoring me. Well this morning I showed him the one I wanted on He told me he didn't think I needed one. Well that made me mad. I thought to myself... I am ordering one anyways because he isn't my boss and if I want one, then I am getting Right before he left for work he told me that we can go look around in the different stores this weekend so I can get one. YAY It's funny how if he knows I really want something, he will usually let me get it. I always ask him before I buy anything. I guess mostly because it is his money I am spending since he is the one who works and I don't. Although this past weekend I went to the mall. I wanted to get new makeup, but I knew it would cost $65. So I didn't even ask him, I just bought it. I knew if I told him than he would tell me that I don't need to spend that much on makeup. He just doesn't understand since he doesn't have to wear makeup. So when I got home from the mall I told him I bought some new makeup. I didn't tell him how much it cost He didn't even care. I didn't figure he would because he hardly ever gets mad about anything. I have to tell this funny story. Yesterday Jaidyn wouldn't stop picking her nose. Well I kept telling her to stop it because that is gross. She wouldn't stop doing it, so I kept getting after her. Finally she said to me "Well Ryan does it."lol


Andrea said...

Did Colin like his grilled cheese before he threw it up? lol.

Angela said...

Ryan is always pickin' his nose. Ben does it too and says its because Uncle Jeremy does it. Our kids need to stay away from those nose pickin' Jorgensen boys! LOL

Jessica said...

Andrea- Yes Colin did like his grilled cheese before he threw it up.

Ang- I totally agree with you. Boogers make me more sick than anything else. So I can't really handle the whole nose picking thing!

Ashlee said...

Eww Boogers gross me out more than anything too! Even more than poop.. they make me soo sick!! At least Jaidyn wasnt eating her boogers tho...this little kid i used to babysit would sit there and do that ALL the time and i would be gagging and telling her to stop....and she would just keep doing it..!! why do kids always have to do that....ITS SO NASTY!!! why would you want to eat your boogers...???