Monday, January 5, 2009

More party pics

Colin's birthday party with Eric's family yesterday turned out very well. He got a motorcyle rocker from Eric and I that he seems to really like. Here are a few pics from yesterdays party.

On another note...Jaidyn has been using the big potty on a regular basis. When I tried potty training her months ago, she refused to even go in the bathroom. So I just left it alone and figured that I would wait until she was ready to go on her own. Well lately she has been doing so good. We have to bribe her with a special surprise everytime, but at least it makes her want to go. The last couple of days, she hasn't gone potty in her pull up one time. So I think I will start putting her big girl panties on her towards the end of this week. I went to Target yesterday because we were out of special treats for her. I looked in the dollar section and found alot of cute things for her. They had some dress up ballet shoes and a tutu. I just got a bunch of things like that. So far everything I have given her, she seems to really like. Hopefully she will keep up the good work. Tonight after Eric gets off of work, the kids and I are going to meet him at the mall. I dropped my wedding ring off over a week ago and it is supposed to be ready to pick up today. So we decided we would wait and go this evening and Eric can meet us. I promised Jaidyn she could get a happy meal at the mall for dinner. I also need to take her earrings she got for Christmas to Zales and see if they will fix it for free. I sure hope they will, I have the receipt printed out. I am just afraid they will say that I ordered them too long ago, so they won't fix them for free. I ordered them in August. Eric's parents went back home to Illinois today, so we won't be seeing them for a couple of months. Jaidyn already asked if they were coming over today. I feel bad that she has to go so long before she can see them again.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Good for Jaidyn, now if she would give up the stupid sucker. That rocker you got brother is so cute.