Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Jaidyn is 3!
I can't believe that it has been 3 years to this day since Jaidyn was born. It's just crazy to me how fast the time has gone by. It seems like we just had her 2nd birthday party. I wish I had some baby pictures I could post of Jaidyn, but we lost all of the pictures off of our computer when we got it fixed. I would go through the ones we got developed and scan some, but that would take me all day to find the pictures I wanted. Jaidyn is very excited that it is her birthday today. She woke up this morning and I let her open one of her birthday presents and told her she has to wait for her party tonight to open the rest. I also got her a little ribbon to wear today that says "It's my B-Day" She seemed pretty excited about that. Jamie ordered Jaidyn some balloons and is having them delivered to the house today. She did the same thing for Jaidyn last year and Jaidyn was very excited. Everyone is coming over around 6 tonight. Mostly just Jamie, Sam and Eric's brother and sister. We got princess decorations and ordered a cinderella cake that Eric will pick up on the way home. We are also going to order pizza for dinner. Jaidyn loves pizza. She had the same thing last year for her birthday party and thats what she wanted again this year. She already opened her birthday presents that she got from my mom and Andrea on Friday. My mom got her a cd player and some kids cd's that jaidyn really likes. Andrea got her a couple of cute outfits and some dora stickers that go on her wall in the bedroom. I plan on taking lots of pictures tonight and I will post some pictures of her party tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A fun time at the park.
I decided today that I was going to take the kids to the park. I try to take them at least a couple of times a week if the weather is nice. I was going to take them yesterday, but then I ended up cleaning all afternoon instead. So I said that no matter what, i was going to take them today. I am glad I did because the weather was perfect. There was a little girl at the park about jaidyn's age and she came up and asked Jaidyn if Jaidyn wanted to play with her. Jaidyn was excited of course and off they went to play. This little girl was so cute. They kept holding hands and i could tell Jaidyn was excited to have someone to play with. She doesn't get to play with other kids very often. Jaidyn was on the bigger playground and tried to climb down some steps and she fell pretty far. I felt so awful. She was crying so hard and limping over to me. I thought for sure she was hurt really bad. She cried for a few minutes and thankfully she was fine after that. She continued to play with her little friend. I asked her when we left if her leg hurt and she said no, just her hips.lol She seems fine though. Normally she is fine to play on the bigger playground, but today she tried to climb down where she normally doesn't. At least she knows now that she has to stay away from that stuff or she will get hurt. On Monday I had a dentist appointment. I had to get 4 fillings. It hurts to chew on either side of my mouth because of it, so I am back to eating mashed potatos and soup again for a few days. I have to go back in three more weeks and get 2 more fillings. My dentist said after that, I should be able to wait until january when I can get on Eric's dental insurance to get the rest of it done. He said after January, I will need alot of work done. He just isn't doing it now because I can't afford to pay for it since we don't have insurance. I have already paid $1000 for all the work I have had done the last few weeks and I will be paying even more when I get a couple of more fillings done. He said after I get on Dental insurance, I need to get my other 3 wisdom teeth removed. I am definately not looking forward to that. I guess the only good thing I can say about getting so much dental work done is that I haven't been eating as much. This weekend we are getting Jaidyn's pictures done at JCPenney's. She will be 3 next week, so I wanted to get pictures done of her by herself. I really hope she is good for them. The last two times we have gone, she has been very naughty and won't hold still and runs away. I told her if she was good for her pictures, afterwards we would all get some mcdonald's and take it to the park and have a picnic. She seemed excited about that, so hopefully that will make her be good for the pictures. I also need to get her birthday cake ordered this weekend. Her birthday is on Tuesday. We are just having a small party with family, nothing big. My dad and Eric's brother can't make it because they have to work and Eric's parents aren't in town, so they won't be able to be here for her birthday. I know Sam, Jamie and Eric's sister Jamie and her husband will all be here. Jaidyn wants to order pizza to have at her party, so that is what we are going to do. On Friday Andrea, my mom and Ryan are coming down because Andrea and my mom both have appointments. Andrea and I are going to take Ryan and Jaidyn to Chuck E Cheese's. Ryan's birthday was a couple of weeks ago and I told him I would take him there for his present. My mom is going to stay at my house and watch Colin for me. There isn't much for Colin to do there and I don't want to leave early because he is whiny. Jaidyn and I have been trying to talk Eric into letting us get a little puppy. I am not sure he is going to though. He normally doesn't tell us no, except for when it comes to getting a new pet.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Our trip
We had alot of fun on our trip. We left around 7:30 on Wednesday morning. We met up with Andrea, Jamie and the boys in Primm when we stopped for a bathroom break. We followed each other the rest of the way. Eric and I had to pullover at some point because Colin threw up all over himself. Poor little guy! We stopped and got him all cleaned up and changed. Andrea, Jamie and the boys made it to the hotel around noon or a little after and checked in. We checked in about 20 minutes later and was able to get a room right next to theirs. Plus we were able to get it on the 3rd floor. That is good for me because I hate riding elevators, so I always request a lower level floor. We were starving by the time we got checked in. We stayed at The Hyatt and they have a pizza hut in the hotel. So Andrea and I went to get some pizza for lunch and they didn't open until 5. So we decided we would just stop and get lunch on the way to the beach. Andrea, Jamie and the boys were just going to go to target and Eric, the kids and I were headed to the beach. Well we stopped at a McDonald's on the way and it is the same McDonald's Andrea and them had stopped at. So we ate and headed to the beach. We went to Newport Beach and it took us a while to get there because we ended up getting lost. We were going by the GPS, but we didn't have the exact address to the beach, so we put in Newport Beach and it was taking us somewhere else in Newport Beach. Eric finally pulled over and asked for directions. Once we got there, we had a good time. It was really hot out and so we decided to let the kids play in the water if they wanted to. Of course Colin wanted nothing to do with the sand or the water. So we had to hold him the whole time. Jaidyn liked putting her feet in the water, but everytime it was coming towards her, she would run away.lol We took her bucket and shovel and let her play in the sand. She had such a good time. It was hard for me to watch her get that dirty because I can't stand for my kids to be dirty, but I figured we don't get to the beach often, so I just dealt with it. We headed back to our hotel after that. We had told Tyson we could have the outback for dinner, but by the time we got back to the hotel, we were too tired to go out to eat. Plus we were all dirty from the beach, so we decided to just get pizza from the pizza hut in the hotel. So thats what we all did. The next morning we woke up early and was able to catch the shuttle from the hotel to disneyland a little after 8. So we had to stand in line for about 30 minutes to wait for the gates to open. Disneyland was fun, but very hot outside. Andrea and Ryan ended up leaving early, so Tyson and Jamie hung out with us for a while and went on some rides. After they left, Jaidyn fell asleep in her stroller, so Eric and I decided we would just shop around for a bit until she woke up. We found the kids some shirts and toys and when Jaidyn woke up, she wanted to go to Mickey's house. So we headed that way and let Jaidyn play over there for a while. She kept telling me how much fun disneyland was. I am so glad she had such a good time and we were able to do most of the things we wanted to do. Around 3 or 3:30, we decided we were too hot to stay there any longer. Jaidyn said she wanted to go back to the hotel, so that is what we did. Around 5, all of us went to the outback. It was right across the street from the hotel, so we just walked there. After we ate, Andrea, Tyson, Jamie, Jaidyn and I walked across the street to Target and Eric, Colin and Ryan went back to the hotel. We were so tired on Thursday night that we fell asleep by 8:30. Thankfully the kids slept well that night(I am sure because they were exhausted). Colin didn't even wake up until 6 that morning. We got all packed up and headed out first thing. We stopped in Baker for some lunch and was home by 12:30. It was such a fun trip. I was sad to leave, but by the time we got home, I was happy. I was surprised because on Thursday when I told Eric I didn't want to come home, he told me we could stay an extra night and go back to Disneyland on Friday. I just knew we didn't need to spend the money. Plus I didn't even have any extra clothes for myself. All weekend I have been doing laundry. I went shopping and bought the kids some new short sleeved pj's and I got Colin some shorts. Tonight we are meeting my dad for dinner. I haven't seen him in a while, so it should be nice.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Usually I don't like Mondays, but I couldn't wait for today because that means we are two days closer to leaving for Disneyland. I have been looking forward to Disneyland for over a month now and we finally get to go in a few days. We spent all weekend getting the truck ready to go and cleaning house. Eric changed the oil and cleaned out the truck really good. I cleaned the whole house really good. So now today I have nothing to do. Usually I will clean up the kitchen and vacuum, but today I don't even have anything to clean. I don't even have laundry or anything to do. Although tomorrow will be a different story. I will need to get all of our laundry done to leave on Wednesday and I am going to bake some cookies to take along on the trip. I thought it would be good if I did because Eric is always wanting some kind of snack, this way he wouldn't have to go out and buy anything, he can just eat cookies. Plus I thought I would make some for andrea, the boys and Jamie to keep in their room just in case they got hungry for a snack. We also went to Sam's Club this weekend and bought a huge thing of muffins to take, that way none of us have to spend the money to buy breakfast. I got a thing of 15 muffins(and they are big muffins) for just $6. That sounds like a good deal to me. Our computer stopped working on Saturday. So of course Eric had to call someone right away to come out and fix it because he can't go very long without looking up all his racing stuff. We called a mobile computer repair place and they were here in less than 30 minutes. It only took them a couple of hours to fix it and only cost us $120. I couldn't believe how cheap that is. If you take it to best buy or somewhere like that, it is usually much more expensive. Our computer has been working great ever since. The only sad thing is that our pictures got erased. I was mostly sad about all the christmas pictures and pictures from Colin's first birthday. I think Eric's parents probably have alot on their camera from both of those events, so hopefully we can just get copies from them. The kids still have runny noses, but other than that, they seem to be doing much better. My jaw is still killing me, so it has been hard for me to eat. I've lost a few lbs since I got my wisdom teeth out. That's always a good thing! Today the kids and I are going to go to the park after lunch. It is such a beautiful day out today. It isn't windy and it's warm. I figure it will make the day go by faster, plus hopefully it will make the kids tired so they will want to nap when we come home.
Friday, March 13, 2009
I'm ready for my close up
That's what Jaidyn keeps saying lately. It cracks me up everytime. I don't know where she learned it from. Another funny thing she keeps saying(even though I tell her its a bad word) she keeps calling Eric a butthole.lol It's only funny coming out of her little mouth. As funny as it is to hear her say it, I sure hope she stops calling people that soon. Although I told Eric he can't really get mad at her because she learned it from him. I never call people that name. If I say it, I say the real thing.lol Both the kids have been sick for a few days now. I took them to the doctor yesterday and she said it is just a sinus problem. There isn't anything they can give them to make it go away. It sucks that there isn't any medicine to help them, but I am glad to hear that that is the only problem they have. Both their lungs sound good and neither of them have ear infections. So she said it will go away on it's own in 7 to 12 days. I am hoping they are over it by the time we leave for Disneyland on Wednesday. Jaidyn woke up this morning and told me she wasn't sick anymore, but 2 seconds later I was wiping the snot from her nose.lol They were both so good at the doctor so I went to McDonalds and got them a happy meal afterwards. They were both pretty excited for that. I haven't really had any pain the last few days from getting my wisdom tooth removed. Although my jaw is killing me. I don't know if it is just because I had it open so wide for so long the other day, but it hurts. I still haven't been eating "real" food. Just soup and mashed potatos. I am so afraid of the stitch coming open or something if I eat anything I am not supposed. Although I think today I might start back on eating normal food because I can't stand eating mashed potatos and soup anymore. Today is the first time I have drank red bull since Monday. It seriously tastes soooo good. It is supposed to be a nice day today, so I think the kids and I will run to Target and maybe the park depending on how nice it is outside. Jaidyn's birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I already have all her birthday presents, but of course I found something else I want to get her. She keeps saying she wants a new animal. Even though she wants a cat, there is no way Eric will let us get one. Plus I don't think our dog would get along too well with a cat. So anyways I thought it would be fun to get her some fish. That way she could feed them everyday and that is something she would be excited to do. Well we looked at Wal Mart last week and they are very cheap and it looks like everything else you need to buy for them isn't too expensive either. I think we might end up getting her a couple. I think it is something she would really like.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Dentist Appointment
I had my dentist appointment and it was just as I thought, my wisdom tooth was coming in. They took some x-rays and at first the doctor didn't notice that my wisdom tooth was coming through and he thought for sure that I was having the pain because of a cavity I had that was down in the nerves. So he said he was going to do a root canal. He gave me a couple of shots and started the root canal and thats when he noticed that it did look swollen where my wisdom tooth was coming through. So he decided to just remove my cavity and see if that would do it for that tooth(since it was much cheaper than a root canal) and then he would see what he could do about my wisdom tooth. He took some x-rays of that and it was in their sideways and hadn't come through my gums yet, so he wasn't sure how he was going to get it out. He said normally he doesn't do that himself, he sends you to an oral surgeon, but since I don't have dental insurance he wanted to try and do it for me himself so that it would save me some money. He is seriously the nicest guy I ever met and so is everyone else that works there too. So he finally figured out how he was going to do it. It was scaring the crap out of me because right in the middle of it he said to the lady"hurry and get the oral surgeon on the phone quick." That really scared me because it sounded bad.lol Thankfully it wasn't. He got it out in about 15 minutes. The way it was positioned, he said sometimes it can take up to 3 hours to get it out. Thankfully there were no problems and even though I am in alot of pain right now, it will be nice to know that the pain will be gone once it heals up. Although he says I might end up having to get a root canal here pretty soon which won't be fun. Plus without dental insurance, that will cost me $1500. Lets just pray it doesn't have to be done. I am hoping it heals up quick and the pain wont' be too bad after today. He gave me some loratab. I don't like to take it though, so I am only going to take it at night and just take motrin in the day. He said that should help with the pain. Eric has been so nice. He went out and bought me some chicken noodle soup and some eggs. I told him I felt like eggs, so he scrambled me up some. It hurt so bad to eat them even though I didn't use that side of my mouth. The dentist said I had to eat something though if I was going to be taking loratab. I was cracking up because on the instructions he gave me, it says to use an ice pack but it says to make sure and take it off after 15 minutes or you could frostbite your cheek. That just cracks me up even though I know it is true since it is numb, you wouldn't be able to notice. Eric said he is taking the day off tomorrow. I told him he didn't have to,but he insisted he was going to so that I could just relax. Although I don't know how much I will really be able to relax. Even though it hurts, I can't seem to just lay down and relax. Poor Jaidyn is sick. She has a really runny and stuffy nose and she sounds horrible. I am hoping she gets better before we go to Disneyland next week. I have a feeling it might just be allergies because she had the same problem about a month ago and we just turned on the humidifier and it went away on its own in a few days.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wisdom teeth?
I am pretty sure the wisdom tooth on my right side is coming in. I have a horrible pain in the back of my mouth. It started to hurt yesterday. The pain isn't too bad all the time. I mean it definately hurts, but it isn't anything I can't handle. But then everytime I eat something and it even touches the back of my mouth, it starts to hurt really bad and hurts that way for a while. I finally decided I better call and make an appointment with the dentist. Eric said he couldn't leave work early today and the dentist is already overbooked tomorrow, so I have to wait until Monday. I seriously wish Monday would get here sooner. I tried putting orajel on it, but that only seems to numb it for about 10 minutes and then I can feel it again. It sucks because we don't have dental insurance, so I am going to have to pay cash for it. Oh well, what can you do? So not much has been going on this week. Andrea was down here on Tuesday evening, so her, Sam, Jamie, Jaidyn, Colin and I all met up at Town Square. Andrea, the kids and i rode together and we got there first, so we shopped around a little bit. Sam and Jamie met up with us later and after they got there, we went and ate dinner at Claim Jumper. It was good! After that, we shopped some more. I went into Old Navy and found a couple of cute shirts for myself and a polo shirt for Colin to wear to Ryan's baptism. They were having really good sales. We didn't get home until almost 8. I was so exhausted by the time we got home. The kids and I haven't done anything else all week. Today we are meeting my mom, Andrea and Ryan for lunch at The Olive Garden. It should be fun. I know Jaidyn is excited for it. After that, we are going to go to the park so that Alivia and Jaidyn can play together. I am hoping that by the time we get home, both the kids will be exhausted and take a nap. Jaidyn doesn't take naps anymore, but I am hoping she will be tired enough to take one today so that I can lay down and rest. Only two more weeks until we go to Disneyland I can't wait! It is all I have been thinking about. I wish it would be here sooner. Although time has been going by so fast, I know it will be here before I know it. Colin has been so funny lately. Anytime I ask him if he is ready for a nap, he shakes his head yes. It just cracks me up everytime. He only started doing it about a week ago. Then sometimes if I lay him down, he will start shaking his head no, as if he doesn't want to take a nap. It just cracks me up!
Monday, March 2, 2009
A new guess purse
On Saturday morning Jamie came over so we could dye each others hair. While she was here I was asking her if there were any cute new betsey johnson purses out. I haven't really looked lately. She wasn't sure because she hadn't looked either, but we both wanted a new purse. I have two betsey johnson purses already and I love them. The last one I got was back at the end of September and it was my anniversary present. So I was thinking it was time for a new one. So Jamie and I decided that we wanted to go to The Fashion Show Mall and look in the Betsey Johnson store. Eric had something he needed to do first, so Jamie and I headed to the mall later that day. We had no luck finding any cute new Betsey Johnson purses. We stopped in Macy's because they carry Betsey purses as well. I wasn't able to find a new Betsey purse I liked, but I did find a very cute new Guess purse that I just knew was for me as soon as I saw it. I couldn't decide if I wanted to spend that much money because it was about $25 more than a Betsey purse would have cost me. I know that doesn't seem like much, but Betsey purses cost about $100. I finally decided I was going to get it because I liked it so much and that I just wasn't going to tell Eric how much i spent on it.lol Not like he would really care, but he would think it was ridiculous that I spent that much on a purse. Jamie wasn't able to find a purse she liked, but she did find the Betsey Johnson watch she has been wanting for a while, so she bought that instead. Before we went to the mall that day, Eric was supposed to be going out to the races to look around at the souvenir trailers. Well last minute he decided he wasn't going to go and he wanted to go to Toys R Us and pick this up for the kids.
The kids love it! Jaidyn was so excited. She had no idea that Eric was going to get this for them. Colin loves it too. He climbs up the slide and then cries for us to get him down from the top, then he just climbs right back up. On Sunday, we all went to Wal Mart first thing in the morning to get groceries. We were gone for an hour and a half. We bought a crapload of groceries. We hadn't gone shopping the week before, so we hardly had any food in the house. We came home and I went and tanned. Colin took a long nap. Once he woke up, he ate lunch and we headed to the park. We were there for about an hour. It was so stinking hot outside, it felt like the summer time. I felt so bad because Colins little face got sunburned. Mine did as well. I don't know how him and I got sunburned and Jaidyn and Eric didn't. At least it doesn't seem to be hurting Colin at all. After we got home from the park, I spent the rest of the afternoon putting away clothes and cleaning up the house. I can't wait until tomorrow. Andrea is coming down for a work conference and her, Sam, Jamie, Jaidyn and I are going to eat dinner at Town Square and do some shopping. Jaidyn is very excited to go shopping. It is so funny because she takes after me. She loves purses and clothes. She is also obsessed with wearing perfume. My mom gave her some old perfume of hers and Jaidyn wears it everyday.
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