Thursday, October 16, 2008

Colin's 9 month checkup

Colin went in for his 9 month checkup today. Just as I thought, he hadn't really grown much since his 6 month checkup. Today he weighed 21 lbs 14 oz. That is only 8 oz. more than he weighed 3 months ago. He measured 29.75 inches tall. That is only 1.75 inches taller than he was 3 months ago. The doctor said he looks very healthy and is doing everything he is supposed to be doing at this age. She did say however that he is as tall as an average 18 month old baby. She told me he will definately be tall when he gets older. I kind of figured he would be. Jaidyn is also pretty tall for her age. When I got there, they told me he wouldn't have to get any shots today since it was just his 9 month checkup. I asked his doctor though if I should have his flu shot done while I was there or just take him to walgreens or something. She told me if I got it done there, it was covered under the copayment, so I wouldn't have to pay anything extra. So he ended up having to get that one shot. I have to take him back in exactly one month to get a booster shot since this is the first time he has gotten a flu shot. I was a little nervous for Colin's appointment because he was going to have to see a new doctor because his doctor is gone on maternity leave. Well anyways it turns out that I like this new doctor even more than his old one. I have always liked his doctor alot, but this new doctor is even nicer and she told me alot of useful information that I wouldn't have known otherwise. So I think when he has to go back to his 12 month checkup, I am going to make the appointment with her. Jaidyn and I still need to get our flu shots. I think we will go to the walgreens by our house this weekend and get them. Jaidyn is going to be freaking out, but she really needs to have one. Originally,we were going to take the kids trick or treating down here in Vegas. Even though there isn't many places to take them since we don't know many people. Well now Eric has decided he wants us to go to Alamo. Of course that makes me happy. I love taking the kids to Alamo to go trick or treating. Jaidyn is going to be so excited because we will be in Alamo 2 weekends in a row. We are going up this next week for a few days and then we will go up the week after just for the night.

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