Thursday, October 9, 2008

Panic at the Disco

are playing tonight at The Hard Rock. I don't even know any of their songs, I don't really even know who they are. Jamie bought tickets to go and asked me to go with her. I figured why not, it will get me out of the house. They are playing outside in the parking lot too, so that should be kind of cool. Jamie is coming over after work and then we will leave for the concert after Eric gets home. Last night I came downstairs from taking a shower and Jaidyn had drew all over the couch with a pen. Our couch is only about 4 months old. There is no way pen is coming off of the cushions. We can't even turn the cushion over because it is a sectional couch and she drew on one of the long cushions that won't fit if we turn it over. I was more mad at Eric than I was at Jaidyn. He is the one who was supposed to be watching her but instead, he was on the computer. I mean of course I get on the computer all the time, but I always make sure I can see Jaidyn to know what she is doing. She is only 2, you really can't trust So anyways I am pretty sad about that. This weekend is going to be a long weekend. I am going to go in and work on Saturday and Sunday. I am going to try and get in 7 hours each day. Filing isn't hard or anything, but after so long it starts to hurt your back from leaning over so much.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

"It's 9 in the afternoon....Your eyes are the size of the moon..." You haven't heard any of their songs? Funny. That sucks about the couch. Yeah, I would probably have been more mad at Eric too. lol.