Sunday, August 24, 2008


I finally made an appointment at JCPenneys to get pictures done of Colin and Jaidyn. I feel awful because Colin has never had pictures done before. I had his pictures done in the hospital and other than that, we just have pictures we take at home. I know that is awful of me, but I have always been so scared to take him to get pictures. Mostly because he is always whining, I didn't think he would be able to sit through pictures. Secondly because it is so expensive to get pictures done. I haven't had Jaidyn's pictures done since last Christmas. So they have an appointment to get pictures next Saturday. Eric kept telling me to just wait and we would get family pictures done in November or December. Well I was feeling bad that they haven't had theirs done, so I decided I would get pictures of just the two of them this time and we can do family pictures in a few months. I hope it turns out well. I am a little nervous of how both the kids will do. The kids and I left for Alamo on Thursday morning and got home yesterday. Jaidyn has a fun time. She loves going to grandma's house. Colin was his usual I was supposed to have a hair appointment on Saturday, but the water wasn't working in the hair salon, so I couldn't get it done. Thats ok though because my mom trimmed up my hair and that is pretty much all I needed done. We got home nice and early yesterday morning. Then around 2:30 we left for a bbq at my sister Sam's house. She had over all of the family(minus Andrea's family and my mom and grandma). Also she had our friends Shawn and Megan and their little boy Gunnar and my cousin and his wife and little girl. It was good for Jaidyn because my cousin's little girl is 22 months, so she isn't that much younger than Jaidyn and they had a good time swimming and playing together. It was also good to see my dad because I haven't seen him in so long because he is always working. Today we have pretty much just been hanging out around the house. We all went to JCPenney earlier and we made the kids picture appointment and I found a cute white polo shirt for Colin to wear for his pictures. I am going to have him wear that and some jean shorts and I already have an outfit for Jaidyn to wear that will match perfectly with Colin's.


Andrea said...

Ha, it's about time. Looks like my nagging finally paid off!

Robin said...

I spend weeks before pictures finding matching outfits. It's CRAZY!