Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This week has been flying by. I know it is only Wednesday, but usually the week goes by so slow. Well the last two days sure haven't. On Monday we just hung out around the house and didn't really do a whole lot. Yesterday Eric's mom came over and we went out to lunch and went to target to get some things. Then she spent the whole rest of the day here and made dinner for us last night. It was nice to have someone to visit with. Jaidyn loves having her grandma here. Eric's parents are only here about every 6 weeks and they usually just stay for a few days at a time. Eric's dad had to drive to Minnesota with Eric's brother this week so Eric's mom is all by herself. She asked me last night if we would want to go to lunch again today and go to Wal Mart. I said sure why not. It is always nice to get out of the house. I am not sure where we will go for lunch today, but yesterday we went to Macayo's. We have to get a card table at Wal Mart because whenever we have Eric's whole family over for dinner, there is never enough room for everyone to sit, so we are going to pick up a card table so there are more places to sit. I bought Jaidyn some really cute pearl earrings from Zales. They are for Christmas of course. That is the last present I am buying her besides the pajamas that she will open on Christmas Eve. I also ordered her Halloween Costume the other day. I got her a princess costume. I got it at Wal mart and it was so much cheaper than buying it from anywhere else. I can't wait for it to get here. I haven't ordered Colin's costume yet. I think I will wait until closer to Halloween since he seems to be growing so much. I wouldn't want it to be too small by the time Halloween comes around.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Your in-laws are amazing!!!! They travel so far to see you guys. They are good people.