Saturday, November 8, 2008

Good food and some Christmas shopping too.

Eric's parents are in town and everytime they come to town, they offer to babysit so that Eric and I can go do something on our own. They are coming over today about 11 to babysit, so we decided that we would go eat at The Olive Garden(Eric and I both LOVE the food there) and then we will go do some christmas shopping. We have most of our christmas shopping done, but we decided to get a couple of more things for Jaidyn. I think we are going to go to the Toys R Us over in Green Valley and then we might go to the Galleria Mall. Colin has been waking up so early lately. The time change has really got him messed up. He has been waking up before 5 every morning this week. Yesterday he woke up at 4 in the morning and he hasn't been napping good lately either. Alivia wanted Jaidyn to come over and play so I took her over and dropped her off and visited with Robin for a bit. Then Colin and I came home and I put him up in his crib and he went right to sleep and slept for 2 hours. I was so happy that he finally got in a good nap because I knew that meant he wouldn't be so cranky when he woke up. It was also nice to have 2 hours all to myself. When Jaidyn came home, she fell right to sleep she was so tired. Eric's parents came over around 4 and Jaidyn was still sleeping. She finally woke up around 5 and didn't even want anything to do with grandma and grandpa, even though she has been asking for them all week. After a while Eric's brother got here and after that, Jaidyn was fine. She loves Uncle Alex more than anyone else. I think it's because he will do anything she wants him to do. Anyways Eric's mom cooked us dinner and then they all left around 7:30. It was a good night and I am glad Eric's parents are here in town. They are leaving on Tuesday morning though, so I am sure Jaidyn is going to be very sad once they are gone.


Robin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin said...

That was me that deleted that comment. Sorry! I feel bad Jaidyn was so tired on Friday and didn't want anything to do with Eric's parents. Next time I will bring her home earlier.