Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I really can't think of a better title at the moment. I am so tired today. The last two nights I have barely gotten any sleep. I was so exhausted from working all weekend. On Saturday I went in and filed most of the day, then on Sunday I spent the whole day cleaning the whole house. On Sunday night I woke up at 4:30 to feed Colin and I could hear him talking for over a half an hour, so I couldn't fall back asleep. Then last night a little before midnight, I heard some guy yelling outside and then I was wide awake for over an hour. I hope tonight I can get some good sleep. I was laying down on the couch a little while ago while colin was napping and Jaidyn was watching her cartoons. Jaidyn never wants me to lay down though, so she kept yelling at me to wake up.lol So I had said before how I wanted to lose 5 lbs before family pictures. Well I got on the treadmill twice and then just stopped doing it. All I have done is eat a bunch of junk for the last couple of weeks. Well I went to weigh myself and I had lost 2 more lbs.lol I don't know how the heck that happened. I eat junk constantly and never work out, but I lost all of the baby weight and haven't gained a pound. I guess I am just lucky. I think most of it is because I carry Colin's chubby butt around all day.lol Anyways, I am hoping to lose the other 3 lbs within the next two months. I am sure I can do it if I really worked at it.


Andrea said...

Maybe I need to start carrying Ryan around. I'm sure that would do the trick for me lol.

Robin said...

Yeah, I'm going to strap Alyson on my back and walk around town. Oh wait, it still wouldn't help me!!!! LOL!!!